Books and PhD Thesis

Our e-book can be ordered from here: Road Traffic Modeling and Simulation.



Bede, Zsuzsanna: Változtatható irányú forgalmi sávok analízise nagyméretű közúti közlekedési hálózatokon
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2013.


Csikós, Alfréd: Modeling and control methods for the reduction of traffic pollution and traffic stabilization
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2015.


Esztergár-Kiss, Domokos: Optimization of multimodal travel chains
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2016.


Horváth, Márton Tamás: Methods for traffic state estimation and routing in urban road networks

PhD thesis, BME Közlekedésmérnöki és Járműmérnöki Kar, 2022.


Luspay, Tamás: Advanced Freeway Traffic Modeling and Control - Linear Parameter Varying Concepts
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2011.


Qiong Lu: Impacts of automated vehicles on traditional road traffic

PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2022.


Tettamanti, Tamás: Advanced Methods for Measurement and Control in Urban Road Traffic Networks
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2013.


Varga, Balázs: Modeling and control of autonomous public transport vehicles
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2021.


Varga, István: Közúti folyamatok paramétereinek modell alapú becslése és forgalomfüggő irányítása
PhD thesis, BME Dept. of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, 2007.