Thesis and Final Examination

Information about Master’s Thesis




Thesis specification sheet


Department Thesis Topics


Support for thesis elaboration is provided by a lecturer of the Department (Consultant or University Supervisor) and in most cases an external expert of the topic (External Supervisor). Consultation with the supervisors has to be regular and continuous. If the amount of consultations or the progress of the documentation is not suitable, the thesis cannot be submitted!


Please regularly check the email addresses; we send the main information there.


Please note that application for the Master’s Thesis course can be taken if all the obligatory subjects have been completed!


Master Thesis I.

The topic and title of the thesis should be determined in cooperation with the supervisors by the third day of the first week. Students must consult with their supervisor at least every second week! Finishing the thesis chapters defined by the supervisor is the requirement for passing the subject.


Master Thesis II.

Students must prepare the thesis draft by the third week of the semester. Based on this draft, the Consultant composes the specification sheet of the thesis, which contains the final title, 3-5 bullet points about the content, the name of the External Supervisor, and the Final Examination subjects. Please note that after the submission of the specification sheet, these data cannot be modified.


Two copies of specification sheet are issued. Both of them contain the evaluation sheet on the back side. One of the copies has to be bound into the printed thesis, while the other has to be handed in as a separate document (but at the same time, as the thesis). Both of them have to be signed by the External Supervisor and the Consultant.


We recommend that you write your thesis in Word or Latex. In the latter case, we recommend using the Overleaf service. Templates are here: MS Word, Latex.

The main part of thesis (besides contents and appendix) consists of 55-70 pages. Figures and charts in the text should not be larger than 1 or 2 pages (more extensive ones should be placed in appendix).

Bind order of Master’s Thesis:

  • title page,

  • one copy of the specification sheet (with the evaluation sheet on the back side),

  • contents,

  • main text,

  • conclusion,

  • lists of figures and charts,

  • references and

  • appendices.


Deadline of thesis submission is the last day of classes. The thesis has to be submitted in electronic form (pdf format) through Moodle. A one-page abstract of thesis has to be also uploaded to the portal (as a separate file).

 After submission, all thesis work will be subjected to a plagiarism check, and we will also check the proportion of AI-generated content. In case of outstanding values, the paper will not be eligible for the final exam.

After submission an external, independent Opponent reviews the Master’s Thesis. The Opponent is chosen by the Consultant. Two grades are suggested for the thesis, one by the Opponent and one by the Consultant, but the final grade is determined by Final Examination Committee.


Students will receive a grade for Master’s Thesis course, which qualifies their work and diligence during the semester. This is determined by the Consultant and can differ from the grade of thesis.