Dr. Aradi Szilárd
Education, degree
Associate professor
Stoczek u. 2. St. ép. 106., H-1111 Budapest
Tel: (36)-1-463-1044
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Time and place of birth
Győr, 1978. december 11.
Language skills
Work experience
PhD Student (2005-2009)
Assistant Lecturer (2009-2016)
Senior Lecturer (2016-2021)
Associate professor (2021-)
Senior research fellow, SZTAKI (2022-)
Research fields
- Vehicle mechatronics
- Embedded control systems and on-board networks
- Reinforcement Learning
- Railway traffic and vehicle management
Major projects
- TruckDAS (2009-2011)
Innovation of distributed driving support systems for commercial vehicle platforms
- Integrated Railway Energy System (2013-2015)
Factors affecting the energy demand of electric traction and possible savings.
- Bosch R&D Project "Umbrella" (2014-2016)
Development of technologies for passenger safety, driver assistance, vehicle reliability and energy efficiency, as well as environmental perception and awareness, This work was carried out at the Robert Bosch Ltd.
- VKE 2018-40 (2018-2022)
Development of distributed logic railway interlocking system.
- Autonomous Systems National Laboratory (2020-)
Educational activities
- Vehicle on-board systems I-II.
- On-board communication
- Automotive environmental sensing
- I&C technologies
- PhD supervision
Link to The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography